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SEO 2016

In a far, far away perfect SEO…

Ivan Reyes -SEO Bournemouth


“I sense great fear in you, Skywalker”. Count Dooku

They are many digital marketers, business owners, content creators and SEO specialist panicking about what will be the future of SEO in 2016, the core ranking algorithm update, the Phantom Update, the new New Penguin Algorithm Update or any big search algorithm changes.



Remember…Ivan Reyes - SEO Bournemouththe Force will be with you, always.” Obi Wan Kenobi

According to my latest research I believe that the key points for a successful SEO campaign in 2016 are based on:


SEO WARS- Admiral AckbaIt’s a trap!” – Admiral Ackbar

Black Hat SEO will not disappear in 2016, while Google operates on algorithms, many search engine optimisers and webmasters will find the way to trick those algorithm. However, certain black hat SEO practices will not be going anywhere for a long time in 2016. Therefore, setting a campaign based upon Black hat SEO techniques is a trap that might cost you time, money, authority and effort.



SEO WARS - SEO Tips 2016- Ivan Reyes SEO Bournemouth“You cannot hide forever, Luke.” Darth Vader.

Exposing your business’ achievements, articles, projects and awards on Social Media is very important for the good development of a SEO campaign for 2016, particularly Google Plus, which is a social network often overlooked by businesses and individual users.

Despite the lack of active users updating and checking Google+ on daily basis, this doesn’t mean that it cannot be really useful for increasing the findability, SEO and the searcher experience.

Moreover, Google Plus allows your blogs, articles, news and new webpages to get indexed quicker than waiting for Googlebot.

By using this important Google’s social media tool, Google will grant your business with the box on the right hand side in which Internet Users will find further information about your brand, location, pictures, reviews, offers and more. There is also very important to remember that Google+ is one of the synergic elements  that make together with YouTube channel, Google My Business and Google Webmaster tool the linking everything to your website.

Summarising this SEO WARS 2016 in simple words, Search Engine Optimisation should be focussed on content management, usability, Social media activities starting by Google+, and considering mobile devices as the lighthouse to guide your efforts.

…to be continue

Star Wars Character’s Images Source : 2015 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd & Disney.